Sports Illustrated

Bildergalerie: Kate Upton beim Swimsuit-Shooting in Mexiko

Kate Upton wurde von Yu Tsai in Mexiko für die "Sports Illustrated" Swimsuit 2024 fotografiert. Hier seht ihr die schönsten Aufnahmen der 31 Jahre alten US-Amerikanerin, Model und Schauspielerin, in der Bildergalerie.

Kate Upton
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated

Kate Upton wurde von Yu Tsai in Mexiko für die "SI Swimsuit Issue 2024" fotografiert, zusammen mit den Models Achieng Agutu, Jena Sims, Hunter McGrady, Lori Harvey, Gayle King, Brooks Nader, Lauren Chan, Ellie Thumann und Nicole Williams English.

Eine Legende der SI Swimsuit-Marke, Upton posierte erstmals 2011 für das Magazin, als sie mit ihren zwei Beiträgen die Auszeichnung "Rookie of the Year" erhielt. Seitdem ist sie immer wieder für die Zeitschrift zurückgekehrt und hat unter anderem in der Schwerelosigkeit und in der Antarktis posiert sowie mehrere Cover geziert. Neben ihrer Tätigkeit als Model ist Upton Mutter, Unternehmerin und Schauspielerin. Sie ist Miteigentümerin des Getränkeunternehmens Vosa Spirits und hat in Spielfilmen wie "The Other Woman" und "The Layover" mitgewirkt. Die Ausgabe 2024 der SI Swimsuit Issue markiert Uptons viertes Cover für die Marke.

Die mexikanische Karibik ist ein tropisches Paradies, das beliebte Reiseziele wie Cancún, Isla Cozumel und die Riviera Maya bietet. Diese Inselregion besticht durch atemberaubende Strände, reiche Geschichte und türkisfarbenes Wasser, das sowohl für Erholung und Entspannung als auch für Action und Abenteuer geeignet ist. Mit einer einzigartigen Kombination aus natürlicher Schönheit und pulsierendem Treiben bot die mexikanische Karibik die ideale Kulisse für die SI Swimsuit Issue 2024.

Bei der Stilwahl am Set entschied sich das SI Swimsuit-Team, die lebhafte Atmosphäre des Ortes durch lebendige und auffällige Looks zu unterstreichen, die an Badeeditorials der 1980er Jahre erinnern. Denkt an glamouröse Outfits, elegante Badeanzüge und extravaganten Schmuck.

Haare: Ryan Richman für A-Frame Agency mit Produkten von Aveda
Make-up: Jodie Boland für The Wall Group mit Produkten von Loving Tan, Supergoop!, French Farmacie, Dior Beauty, Jones Road Beauty und West Barn Co.
Fotograf: Yu Tsai 

Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Normaillot. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Moncler. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Eres. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Versace. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Versace. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Tropic of C. Top by Sergio Hudson. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Fleur du Mal. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Agent Provocateur. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Dress by Grace Ling. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton Cancun
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Agent Provocateur. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Versace. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Tropic of C. Top by Sergio Hudson. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Agent Provocateur. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Normaillot. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Tropic of C. Top by Sergio Hudson. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Tropic of C. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Moncler. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Agent Provocateur. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Dress by Grace Ling. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Versace. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Moncler. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Dress by Grace Ling. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Tropic of C. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Dress by Grace Ling. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Tropic of C. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Eres. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Versace. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Normaillot. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Agent Provocateur. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Eres. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Versace. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Tropic of C. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Fleur du Mal. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Agent Provocateur. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Normaillot. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Agent Provocateur. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Normaillot. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Agent Provocateur. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Versace. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Fleur du Mal. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Fleur du Mal. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Agent Provocateur. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Swimsuit by Normaillot. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated
Kate Upton
Kate Upton was photographed by Yu Tsai in Mexico. Dress by Grace Ling. /
Credit: Yu Tsai/Sports Illustrated